Working models: promoting compatibility for all

Flexible working models are becoming increasingly important in today's working world. Not only do they enable a better work-life balance, but they also contribute to higher employee satisfaction and productivity. In this blog post, we take a look at how companies can successfully implement flexible working models into their day-to-day operations.


Changes in the world of work

Globalization, technological developments and changing values have significantly altered the demands placed on the world of work. Traditional working models based on fixed working hours and a culture of attendance are increasingly incompatible with the needs of modern society. Flexible working models offer a solution to these challenges.


Types of flexible working models

1. flexibility in working hours:
  • flexitime: employees can determine their own working hours within a set framework.
  • Working time on trust: working hours are controlled by the employees themselves, based on trust rather than fixed guidelines.
  • Part-time and job sharing: a reduction in working hours or the sharing of a full-time position between two or more people.
    • Job sharing: job sharing is a flexible working model in which two or more people share a full-time position. There are three main types of job sharing:
    • Job splitting: one full-time position is split into two independent part-time positions.
    • Job pairing: two employees share a position and are jointly responsible for the tasks.
  • Split-level sharing: working time and responsibilities are divided functionally, e.g. operational and strategic.
  • Working time accounts: working hours are recorded and can be flexibly balanced over a longer period of time.
  • Sabbaticals: long-term sabbaticals, often made possible by saved working time or unpaid leave.
2. flexible working models offer numerous advantages for both employees and companies:
  • Work-life balance: they enable a better work-life balance, which contributes to greater life satisfaction.
  • Productivity and motivation: employees who can organize their working hours and locations flexibly are often more motivated and productive.
  • Talent recruitment and retention: Companies that offer flexible models are more attractive to specialists and are better able to retain them.


Despite the numerous advantages, there are also challenges when implementing flexible working models:

  • Cultural barriers: many companies still have a culture of attendance, which makes flexible working models more difficult.
  • Team spirit is changing: the coffee break with colleagues to catch up on the latest trash will probably have to be held online.
  • Lack of support: the implementation of flexible models requires support from management and clear communication.


Flexible working models are a solution for promoting work-life balance. They contribute to higher employee satisfaction, productivity and attractiveness of the company. Despite some challenges, flexible models can be successfully implemented through targeted measures and cultural change in order to create a sustainable and future-proof working environment.


Literature :

Gärtner, M., Garten, T., & Huesmann, M. (2016). Flexible working models for managers. The state of research. Journal of Ergonomics, 70, 220-230.

Ternès, A., & Wilke, C.-D. (Eds.). (2018). Agenda HR - Digitalization, Work 4.0, New Leadership: What HR managers and management should not miss now. Springer Gabler.


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