How working from home can succeed

Successful strategies and practices for businesses

At profawo, we are convinced that working from home can succeed, subject to certain conditions and we recommend that managers consider the following points:

Analysis of individual requirements

The individual needs and tasks within your company vary, so working from home cannot be considered as a general right. Every position in the company is unique and not all tasks can be performed equally efficiently from home. It is important to consider individual requirements and job profiles.  

  • Speak regularly with your employees about what works well and what doesn't.
  • Adjust working arrangements accordingly.

Emphasis on exchange and teamwork

Discuss with your teams which days are suitable for exchange and what activities they are planning together so that the team dynamic and chat around the coffee machine are not neglected, despite the hybrid approach. 

  •  Be creative. Try new things. How about a team walk over lunch? 

Employer involvement in working from home

Play an active role in planning how your employees will work from home. Prerequisite: the employee wants to and can work from home. If the employee needs peace and quiet to undertake conceptual work: they can go home.

  • Use the advantages of working from home. 

Courage to address problems openly

If an employee generates too little output from home or if you have a doubt about their performance, then talk to them directly. Perhaps the problem is not working from home. But if you get the impression that the employee is lying on the sofa rather than working, then the basic question is whether you really have the right person for the job. 

  •       Working from home should benefit the employees and employer.

Satisfaction and efficiency  

We are convinced that working from home can be used to the satisfaction of both employees and employers. The flexibility helps with organising daily work so that, for example, it is possible to have a longer lunchbreak at home. This is a blessing for employees with children. But single people can also use this flexibility, for example to keep fit. This is better than lengthy commutes.

  • Ideally, the employer is rewarded with satisfied employees and increased productivity. 

All in all: flexibility and a culture of trust

The successful organisation of working from home requires a culture of trust and transparency between the different reference groups in the company. Managers are required to enable flexible and individual adaptations and at the same time can derive the greatest benefit from this. This approach not only contributes to the well-being of employees, but also promotes social and economic stability. 

 In addition, your company is attractively positioning itself on the job market with a generous framework of hybrid forms of working.

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